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Look Out For Each Other this Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week runs from 13 to 19 May 2024. This year’s theme is movement: moving more for our mental health. We know festivals can have a profound impact on our mental wellbeing, what better way is there to move than dancing with your mates in a field?? Just remember to #LeaveNoMindBehind and #LookOutForEachother – before, during, and after the festival.

There’s a few months until we’re reunited at Richfield Avenue, so here’s some helpful resources to help you prioritise mental heath and seek support if needed…


Mind in Berkshire will be back onsite this year, running an AIR Hub in one of our campsites. Local Mind organisations run mental health services in your community. Find your nearest here and take a look at the services they offer, including peer support, crisis helplines, wellbeing courses and more.

For Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, National Mind have launched #NoMindLeftBehind. They’re calling on you to raise awareness and vital funds for a future where everyone can get quality mental health care when they need it. Read more about the campaign here.


The 5 ways to wellbeing offer some simple steps which you can do every single day to improve your mental health.

1.     Connect

Connecting with others can help us feel close to people, and valued for who we are. Being social means different things for different people – you might prefer being in quieter situations with one other person, or you might like being in big groups. You might like to connect with people online, or you might enjoy phone calls or sending letters.

Here are some ways you could make a connection today:

  • If you feel comfortable, you could try speaking to someone new
  • Ask how someone’s weekend was, and really listen when they tell you
  • Put 5 minutes aside to find out how a friend is doing
  • Give a friend a lift or share the journey home with them

2.     Get Active

Many people find that physical activity helps them maintain positive mental health. This doesn’t have to mean running marathons or training every day at the gym. There are lots of different things you can do to be a bit more active.

Studies have shown that getting active can help you sleep better, have happier moods, and reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and racing thoughts.

Here are a few ideas for how you can get active today:

  • Take the stairs rather than the lift
  • Go for a walk at lunchtime
  • Walk into work or school – maybe you could go with a colleague or friend
  • Get off the bus a stop earlier than usual and walk the final part of your journey to work or school
  • Have a kick-about in a local park
  • Do some stretches before you leave for work or school in the morning

3.     Take Notice

Reminding yourself to take notice can help you to be aware of how you’re feeling. It can help you understand what triggers your feelings of stress or anxiety.

Some studies have shown that savouring ‘the moment’ can also help you to feel more positive about life.

Take some time to enjoy the moment and the environment around you. Here are a few ideas:

  • Get a plant for your workspace or room
  • Have a ‘clear the clutter’ day
  • Take a different route on your journey to or from work or school
  • Visit a new place for lunch

4.     Learn

We’re always learning new things – often without realising it. Feeling like you’re learning and developing can boost your self-esteem.

And sometimes, setting goals can help you to feel more productive and more in control of your life.

What can you learn today? Here are a few ideas:

  • Find out something about your colleagues or school mates
  • Sign up for a class
  • Read the news or a book
  • Set up a book club
  • Do a crossword or Sudoku
  • Research something you’ve always wondered about

5.     Give

There’s been lots of research about the effects of taking part in social and community life. Some studies have shown that people who help others are more likely to rate themselves as happy.

Is there anything you can do today, to be kind or helpful to someone else? You could try:

  • Making a cup of tea for a colleague or a friend
  • Offering to help a colleague or peer with something they’re stuck on
  • Introducing yourself to a new-starter, to help them feel more at ease
  • Seeing if there are any volunteering initiatives open at work or school


In the instance of a mental health emergency, when you or someone else could harm yourself or others, please find a member of staff wearing a high-vis immediately. They can radio for the right assistance. Alternatively, visit a medical tent if you are able.

Whilst they can be hugely beneficial, festivals can also be overwhelming and can take a toll on your mental health. If you need support, a friendly chat, or a comfortable stress-free place to chill out, you can visit:

One of Our Airhubs (24hrs)

19 across all campsites and arena

In 2023, we introduced AIR Hubs across our campsites. These were staffed by volunteers from local community groups and charities including WAVES, Street Pastors, Salvation Army, Mind, Change Grow Live, SoulScape, Oxfam, Victims First, Trust House Reading and SafeUp. This year, so far the following charities/organisations are coming to join us: WAVES, Railway Children, Reading Schools, The Mix, CGL, Berkshire Womens Aid, Trusthouse, GamCare, Sport in Mind, Mind in Haringey, Mind in Berkshire, Reading Street Pastors, Oxfam and Soulscape.


Samaritans (24hrs)

The volunteer team are expertly trained at listening and providing comfort to those in need.


Reading Street Pastors (24hrs)

The local team provide a friendly face and listening ear for festivalgoers operating within our Safeguarding teams in the campsites.


Salvation Army (24hrs)

The Salvation Army have volunteered at Reading Festival for decades, providing emotional and practical support for festival goers at their popular tea tent.


You can also visit a Welfare tent for confidential chats and chillout time.


Read more about mental wellbeing support on site via our safeguarding page and ‘what to do if..’ guide.

A row of people jumping in a festival field